Crazy Story . . . and not so crazy!


So, I’m in the Springs this past weekend and I’m shopping with my daughter, her husband and his mom.  We all went to “Vintage Market Days” and then did some Christmas Shopping.  I saw this cutie cow picture in Kirkland’s and they only had ONE, but passed on it cause I should be buying gifts for other people! LOL . . .  We left Kirkland’s and went into Sam’s Club (in the same shopping center).  We’re leaving Sam’s Club and Amie says, “I have to run back into Kirkland’s”.  The rest of us wait in the car.  She comes out of Kirkland’s, hands me the bag and says, “here mom, Merry Christmas from Robin”!!  I’m like – what????? Robin live in Texas!

Robin had texted Amie while we were in Kirkland’s.  Amie texted her a couple pics and Robin responded with, “that cow picture is the one I wanted to get her!”.  OK, soooo while Robin (who lives in Texas) was in South Carolina for  Thanksgiving had been out shopping and saw the cow pic in a Kirkland’s in South Carolina.  She didn’t want to carry it home on the plane so thought she’d buy it online and ship it to me.  However,  it was not available online!  Sooooooooooooo what are the odds that Robin would text Amie at the exact same time that we are shopping at Kirkland’s in Colorado Springs . . . . then Amie sends her a pic of the VERY cow pic that I wanted that Robin wanted to buy me (3 weeks ago) . . . and it was the ONLY ONE left!!!

TOTAL GOD THING!  HE does stuff like that for me & Robin – crazy story, but crazy cool!!!  Thank you Texas Bestie!! I love him!!!! His name is Nickers!! For you know, St. Nickers! LOL  Yes I’m really laughing out loud at myself! LOL


About countrygirlbling

Hi, I'm hoping that my blog and my experiences will help to encourage you. Our journey through life can be unpredictable at times but KNOW that if you are a believer in Christ, HE will always have your best interest at heart! (Even when things don't make sense!) Toodles

9 responses »

  1. I am totally laughing out loud about Nickers, such a cool story to share, he/she is such a cute cow, none of my cows look that cute, ecept when they are newborn to 6 months old

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