Giving it a Try!


Every time summer rolls around I think I should try growing a tomato plant.  I realize that most of you may think that’s hilarious but I seriously don’t have much of a green thumb.  Over Easter weekend I was at Home Depot with Jason & Tara and she loves to garden.  She starts most of her garden from seedlings she starts in egg cartons.  Anyway, she encouraged me to try it so here we go! I bought this plant and at the time it already had two very small tomatoes on the vine.  Thought I’d share this pic with you.  So far so good!!  I see tomato sandwiches in my future, YES!!

Tomato Plant

About countrygirlbling

Hi, I'm hoping that my blog and my experiences will help to encourage you. Our journey through life can be unpredictable at times but KNOW that if you are a believer in Christ, HE will always have your best interest at heart! (Even when things don't make sense!) Toodles

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