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We had a surprise “John Deere” birthday party (at Jason & Tara’s house) on Saturday for Matthew, Amie’s boyfriend & John Deere addict.  He’s in the Air Force and getting deployed.  He leaves 2 days before his birthday so we thought it’d be fun to surprise him.  His birthday is close to Owen’s and we told him it was Owen’s birthday party so that when he saw balloons and streamers he wouldn’t be suspicious . . . . lol, he was stunned!! It was great!!!  It took him a bit to wrap his head around why HIS family & friends were at Owen’s birthday party!! I love how Jason is cracking up and Amie is hiding! LOL   . . .  Alex & Heidi are the ones responsible for introducing Matthew & Amie . . . way to go guys!!!  I wanted to share the “how to” John Deere candy labels with you – super easy.  They’re actually “return address labels, #5160 and they will “perfectly” wrap around Hershey Nuggets (not Hershey Treasures).  Just add your own verbiage or image!! P.S. I took so many pictures we’ll have to do this party in 2 posts 😉

About countrygirlbling

Hi, I'm hoping that my blog and my experiences will help to encourage you. Our journey through life can be unpredictable at times but KNOW that if you are a believer in Christ, HE will always have your best interest at heart! (Even when things don't make sense!) Toodles

One response »

  1. That looks so cool! Okay so if/when I have a John Deere Party for Liam, just know I am stealing your ideas! Love the Jars, the cute straws, the tags! CAN’T TAKE IT!


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