Life Update – All is good


14003448811573521_B4oUfnw6_cI haven’t had a chance to check in for awhile.  All is good.  I had a follow-up appointment this week with my radiation oncologist and everything looks great.  I’ll just need to check in with him again in a year.  Working on pulling my “Heart & Breast Health” event together.  If you are local and you know anyone that needs a mammogram and she doesn’t have health insurance, I still have a few open appointments for Feb. 2nd.

The Broncos are playing in the playoffs this Saturday and we’re all excited.  Tomorrow is Denver’s “Wear Orange Day” . . . . . . I have to say, watching football is wayyyy more fun when you have a team to “root” for.  Last year we had Tebow and that was a ton of fun . . . now we have Peyton and he is just phenomenal!! He is like the Maestro of the Bronco Symphony and is so much fun to watch.  Peyton is “water cooler” talk and we are all excited.  I’m only hoping for some time this weekend to get my stinkin’ Christmas stuff put away!! Seriously my tree is still decorated . . . not lit . . . but still decorated!

I’m looking forward to this year.  January always brings a sense of “new” . . . “second chances” . . . “do-overs” . . . 365 days to do it different . . . try something new . . . and yes . . . decorate another room in my house! Yes I’m hoping to have some before and after pics of my bedroom redo, just don’t hold your breath, LOL.

About countrygirlbling

Hi, I'm hoping that my blog and my experiences will help to encourage you. Our journey through life can be unpredictable at times but KNOW that if you are a believer in Christ, HE will always have your best interest at heart! (Even when things don't make sense!) Toodles

2 responses »

  1. Don’t worry you are not alone! My tree is still up, lights on, and presents under the tree! Still have people to connect with to give them their gifts! Ah, the joys of the Christmas rush that runs into January. . . Enjoy your weekend. . xoxo


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